What Happens When Your Marriage Hits A Rough Spot? The tragic death of Kate Spade at 55 drew my attention to the unusual pattern with her and her husband Andy in terms of my concept of "Confluence" . Although it was a most untimely death, combined with their recent separation, the fact remains that as a couple they share, what I refer to as "Perfect Confluence" (ie. they were born on the same day )! This day was Dec. 24th, 1962 . So just what happens when a couple such as this experience a rough spot in their marriage and just how close were they during their combined lives? The theory says that you should not only be very supportive of one another, but that your outlook and interests and yes, even your physical appearance, should be the same. It should be like meeting your twin! This is not the first time I have examined couples with very strong "Confluence" . It's all in the book LIFE CYCLES - RELATIONSHIPS . Let's start at the be...